Eight minutes on the eighth of March

Yesterday was the eighth of March, International Women's Day. So let's take eight minutes the day after and talk about who uses Allies, you know, every day? Those days that don't get their very own title. That's right, the project manager of the family. In other words, - women. In fact, women account for 76% of all usage in Allies, but make up half of our users. How did that happen?

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Stuff we use every day

I could give you a million reasons why Allies exists. But if I boil them down to one, for me Allies is all about smartness. Automation. Streamlining. Getting rid of unnecessary, tiresome mechanical movements. Horrid stuff, like thumbing in information into your phone. Take a second to think about that. It is 2020, and we still spend a lot of time entering stuff into our phones, using our thumbs.

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